IPv6 - CNlabs

IPv6 Standardization and Compliance II

In the first part of this series of IPv6 related blogs, we had discussed the need for IPv6, its evolution over the last three decades, and various regulatory authorities across the globe driving compliance to IPv6 standards. In part 2 of this blog, we will discuss some of the key RFCs relating to IPv6 certifications and some common challenges encountered during implementation.

Getting to know some key IPv6 RFCs

The core protocols of IPv6 are spread across 5 different RFCs viz. RFC 8200 (IPv6 Specification), RFC 4861 (Neighbor Discovery), RFC 4862 (SLAAC), RFC 8201 (PMTU for IPv6), and RFC 4443 (ICMPv6). For most compliance requirements, these RFCs are considered sufficient for a compliant implementation. However, in addition to these RFCs, other IPv6 RFCs also need to be considered during development. They provide details of implementation for specific components of the IPv6 stack and are also essential for interoperability. The table below captures some additional RFCs to be considered during development

IPv6 RFCs to be considered for a compliant implementation

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Implementation of IPv6 & Challenges

Given the number of RFCs to be considered during development for proper implementation, it becomes challenging for the developers to keep track of all requirements.

Many product vendors use Linux Kernel’s IPv6 stack as a base environment for the development of their implementation and further modify it according to the product’s need and deployment scenarios. While the Linux Kernel itself may sometimes have non-compliance with IPv6 standards, the modifications introduced by the developers may also cause additional conformance and interoperability issues. For instance, if any changes are made to the implementation to enhance multicast performance, there is a risk of introducing non-compliance to RFC requirements.

For IPv6 Routers, multiple parameters related to IPv6 Router Advertisement messages need to be considered. RFC 4861 defines specifications for a router’s configuration variables and advertisement messages. Care has to be taken while implementing parameters such as MaxRtrAdvInterval, MinRtrAdvInterval, preferred lifetime, valid lifetime, etc. as they are related to each other. In the case of these parameters, changing the default value of one will require others to be changed as well.

The specifications also evolve over a period of time and are periodically updated. With such challenges, it becomes difficult for the product vendors to verify if their implementation of the IPv6 stack is compliant with the international standards. They need to be aware of the latest IPv6 standards from the early stages to avoid major disconnects when their products are in the final stages of deployment. Early engagement with IPv6 test labs can often help in catching the issues early.

In the next part of this series of blogs, we will discuss in detail regulatory requirements for IPv6, IPv6 certification programs, and some of the key changes to these programs.

Source: https://medium.com/@kklahoti/ipv6-standardization-and-compliance-part-ii-bb02adbf4e06