Are your products MTCTE certified?
Are your products MTCTE certified?

MTCTE – Phase 3 is almost here. Products expected to be announced as part of the Phase 3 notification include Routers, 2.4/5GHz wireless devices, tracking devices, DSL equipment among others.
The Department of Telecommunications (DOT) of Ministry of Communications, Government of India has notified that every telecom equipment manufactured in India or imported for connection to the Indian Telecommunication Network, must undergo mandatory testing and certification prior to sale or import for use in India.
The MTCTE program is rolled out in stages and Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) has notified devices which have to be certified as part of Phase 1 and Phase 2 notifications. Phase-3 is expected to be launched soon.
CNLABS and C-PRAV Indian Certifications are hosting a joint webinar on “Mandatory Testing & Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE) in India” with government officials and industry leaders. Get the latest updates to the MTCTE program and understand the process for OEMs to get their products certified.
MTCTE Scheme and Schedule, Phase-3 products & beyond
Technical Requirements – Protocol Testing and Interface testing
IPv6 as a core requirement for MTCTE
EMC, Safety, Radio and Other requirements – Standards Regulations Testing and Certifications
MTCTE Application submissions, Evaluation of test reports and Issuance of Certificate
Q&A from OEMs
Registrations will open soon.