cloud-based-test-servicesTEC MTCTE Certification

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) of Ministry of Communications, Government of India has notified that from 2019, every telecom equipment manufactured in India or imported for connection to the Indian Telecommunication Network, must undergo mandatory testing and certification prior to sale or import for use in India.

Any Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)/ importer/ dealer who wishes to sell, import, or use any telecom equipment in India, must obtain a certificate from Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) and mark or affix the equipment with appropriate Certification label.

Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) under Department of Telecommunications (DoT), has been appointed as the Designating Authority (DA) on behalf of DoT to designate Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) located in India to perform testing and certification of telecom products.

Certification process endeavours to encourage

  • that any telecom equipment does not degrade performance of existing network when connected
  • safety of the end–users
  • to protect users and general public by ensuring that radio frequency emissions from equipment do not exceed prescribed standards
  • that telecom equipment complies with the relevant national and international regulatory standards and requirements

The conformance certification tests to be performed are prescribed in Essential Requirements  for the equipment. Any Indian Accredited Lab designated by TEC, can undertake the tests. Based upon the test reports, TEC issues the final certificate.

CNLABS a globally approved IPv6 Ready Logo Certification lab in India, is now a TEC Designated CAB, offering Conformance and Interface testing under the Technical Requirements prescribed for different network equipment under the ambit of MTCTE. For details of test methods supported by CNLABS under the TEC MTCTE scope, click here.

To view our pricing list for MTCTE testing, click here.